Great to hear about all of your in-a-rush breakfast recipes, but what about dinner?
My vote goes towards stir fries, like the one I had last night. My basic stir-fry recipe is as follows:
Your Basic Brown Rice Stir Fry
~Stir fries are easy, quick, healthy, filling, and tasty!
- Cooked Brown Rice
- Chopped Vegetables (any leftovers you have in the fridge will do. For this batch I used carrots, garlic, onion, bell pepper,
- Protein (tofu, beans, meat, eggs. For this batch I used scrambled eggs and toasted white beans)
- Oil to grease pan (I used sesame oil)
- Soy sauce (or any other oriental seasonings you may have)
- Optional: chopped peanuts or sesame to top
I didn’t provide measurements because that is the whole point of stir-fries! You can put whatever you want in them, and make it for however many people you want. It makes a simple dinner for one, and a filling, inexpensive dinner for 15! Simply grease a pan, mix ingredients, and stir until golden.
In other news, check out my tire:

Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
What are your favorite in-a-hurry dinner recipes?
And have you ever blown up a tire like mine? Or done any other crazy things to your vehicle? Give me your stories!
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