Yes, I like them Sam I Am!
But not as much as I like pistachio butter…
This is amazing! It may hurt your fingers, but it is definitely worth it. It is a funny green color, but I think it looks neat-o. Feel free to buy either salted, unsalted, or raw. You can even buy them without the shell, but they are usually more expensive. Therefore, I just hunkered down, watched some tv, and shelled some pistachios!
- A whole bunch of pistachios, shelled-as much or as little as you like
- optional: salt and/or pepper to taste
Just throw the pistachios into your food processor or strong blender and blend away! I used my handy dandy magic bullet, and it turned out well. Sometimes my magic bullet can’t turn the nuts into a nice, creamy nut butter without adding oil, but for someone reason the pistachios worked well. I think it’s because pistachios are softer nuts compared to most.
I like pistachio butter
I do!! I like it, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat it in a (celery) boat!
And I would eat it with a goat…
And I will eat it in the rain on a cracker.
And on a train banana.
And in a tree apple.
It is so good so good you see!
So I will eat it in a box on a slice of grain-free banana bread .
So I will eat it in a box.
And I will eat it with a fox more bananas.
And I will eat it in a house on ants on a log.
And I will eat it with a mouse some oatmeal.
And I will eat it here and there on another banana with chocolate.
Say! I will eat it ANYWHERE!
Not only because it tastes good, but because it:
- Has lots of good monounsaturated fat for a healthy heart
- Decreases bad cholesterol and helps the good
- Contains carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that help protect the eyes
- Contains copper to help form connective tissues
- Contains vitamin B6 to help you have a healthy immune system
- Lowest calorie nut! 40 pistachios are only 120 calories! And it takes longer to peel each one, so you will eat less!
Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
Did you read Dr. Seuss books as a kid?
I love Dr. Seuss! I remember dressing up for his birthday in elementary school. We had green eggs and ham for lunch, and we read his books all day long. In fact…I went to Seussland this weekend…

Psst! Check out Chocolate Covered Katie’s Bake sale today! I am donating a batch of Smacaroons to help Japan!
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