By popular request, I am going to take you through a day in a life of me 🙂
Around 7:30 I wake up and wander into the kitchen to mix myself my morning drink:
I get dressed for the day (or not, sometimes I spend the morning in pj’s), and spend about 30 minutes lifting weights (this is after a nice warm-up, of course. Never lift weights when your body is cold!)
Breakfast Time! Today’s breakfast was some grain-free bitter chocolate pancakes with thawed frozen strawberries.
And a cup of decaf hazelnut coffee to drink throughout the morning.
And my vitamins!
Then I sit down to the computer to work. Homework, blogging, blah, blah, blah…
My sweet doggy comes to say hello! So I give him some love…
11:30 Lunch! Finally! I usually eat a veggie-protein stir-fry or leftovers from dinner the day before. Today happened to be a eggplant-tempeh mix with indian spices.
Then I’m off to tennis practice. I leave at 12:30 and arrive around 1:15. I spend the 45 minute car ride reading.
Tennis for 2 hours (This changes throughout the week. Sometimes I do 2 hours of tennis+1 hour speed and weight training. And sometimes I do just 4 hours of tennis.)
And 30 minutes of speed training with leg strengthening.
Post-workout snack:
4:30. My late afternoons and nights vary greatly from day to day. Sometimes I have to string a racquet, work on more homework, or whatever errands I need to do!
Shower and Dinner. After sweating so much throughout the day, I finally rinse off. Then I eat dinner. Something is usually waiting in the crockpot. Tonight’s diner was a big spinach salad with quinoa, tomatoes, chicken, avocado, heart of palms, and olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Monday night is choir night for me. From 6-8 I sing my heart out!
I’m hungry again, so I have a little dessert…
Then I settle down with a good book 🙂 And drink my nightly drink before bed:
10:00-Lights out! Night, night…Don’t let the bedbugs bite!
Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
Do you like to keep schedules?
I always like to schedule my day out the night before or else I get lost the next day and don’t know what to do! I find that I always get more done when I schedule everything out.
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