Happy New Year!!!
Did you all have a great holiday season and New Year’s celebration? It is 2011! Can you believe it? Time flies…
Many people make their New Year’s resolution to be a healthier person or to lose x amount of pounds. Which are both great resolutions! To aid in these resolutions why not try cutting back on sugar or even going sugar-free? There have been a few people I know who have made this resolution already!
A couple people have asked me for some tips on reducing sugar-intake, so I have compiled a list below.
How to Reduce Your Sugar Consumption
- Don’t go “cold-turkey” if you are used to eating a lot of sugar. Try reducing your sugar-intake in levels. For example, if you drink your tea with 1 teaspoon of sugar daily, try drinking it with 1/2 teaspoon. Slowly reduce this amount until you can completely eliminate sugar from your tea.
- Replace refined sugars with natural sugars like honey, real maple syrup, or real molasses. Then, reduce the amount you use in recipes by halving the sugar-content slowly until you reach a point where you do not need sugar in the recipe.
- If you still want the sweet flavor without the calories, don’t use artificial sugar-substitutes. Try stevia. Click here to learn more about stevia.
- Omit sugar in recipes that don’t really need sugar. Breads, pancakes, and savory recipes don’t really need that extra two Tablespoons of sugar. For example, instead of adding sugar into the pancakes, try topping the pancakes with lots of fresh fruit to get that naturally-sweet flavor.
- Try some of my Recipes. All of them contain no added sugar!

Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
What are your New Year’s resolutions? Is cutting back on sugar one of them?
Try taking the “sugar-free for a week” challenge that Kayla is hosting at Little Miss Healthify! Can you handle no sugar for a week?
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