Have you ever gone through a day where all you can think about is sinking your teeth through a hot, fluffy donut or a big slice of chocolate cake? We all have those days. If this is a constant craving, though, it could mean a few things about your body.
Blood Sugar
While you may not have diabetes, blood sugar can still fluctuate throughout the day and cause cravings for sweets. Consuming sweets will only cause more problems because your blood sugar will rise quickly and drop quickly leaving you left with the same problem and more cravings. Instead, eat balanced meals throughout the day with a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Choosing items that are less processed will also help prevent drops in blood sugar. For example, a chicken stir fry with vegetables and brown rice is a good balanced meal for blood sugar stability.
When you’re tired the body looks for any way to get energy-usually in the form of glucose and simple sugars. If you haven’t been sleeping well, your cravings are most likely because you need a quick form of energy. Again, stick to eating balanced meals to avoid energy spikes. Also, try going for a quick walk. Some exercise has been found to reduce tiredness.
Those with higher stress levels are found to crave sugar more. Take a deep breath and drink a large glass of water. Slow down and recognize that your cravings are because of stress and eating more sugar won’t help.
Thyroid Failure
Being stressed, tired, and having headaches and cravings can all mean an under-active thyroid gland. Drink more water to flush the body and cut back on the amount of caffeine you’re drinking. Also, getting more sleep and eating wholesome, unprocessed food can help bring your thyroid back in balance.
Adrenal Overload
When you are under a lot of stress, your adrenal glands pump out extra adrenaline and cortisol hormones to cope. Eat lots of high-protein meals throughout the day to make it easier to cut back on sugar. Also use whatever calming technique works best on you: reading, writing, taking a walk, or doing yoga are all options.
Nutrient Deficiencies
When your body is deficient in nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc), you will crave food even when you may not need more calories and you are not hungry. You may especially be in need of these nutrients:
- Chromium: broccoli, grapes, beans, chicken
- Carbon: fresh fruits
- Phosphorus: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, whole grains
- Sulfer: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage
- Tryptophan: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach
What do all of these foods have in common? They are whole, unprocessed foods in a wide variety. They come in lots of different colors and textures to give the body a whole range of nutrients. Remember: variety is key for having a healthy diet.
I have felt for years that too much sugar, possibly mixed with an additional ingredient like shortening, as in bakery frosting, was leading to bronchitis, so I learned to use almost no added sugar. Eventually I was diagnosed with pancreatitis. In high school, I, like you, wanted to be a dietitian till I passed out in the dietitian’s office (a contributing factor was possibly steam from pressure cookers, as I did the same thing in a county cannery where you could can your own garden produce). As you can imagine, your website caught my eye, especially the sugar-free and dietetics parts. I became a home economist. One class led me to plan my own dream house. My kitchen had many small appliances and outlets instead of a range and oven. I now use a pressure cooker/slow cooker, dehydrator, food
processor, microwave, etc., but no stovetop or oven. I
am currently experimenting with making coconut milk, oil, & butter; almond milk & meal; a chocolate ice cream with those ingredients and dates, etc. I can’t wait to go through your recipes. Thank you for all that you have done online and will do as a dietitian.
Hi Rose! Thanks for your sweet comment. So fun meeting new people who are like-minded (: Best of luck to you in all your endeavors, and thanks for being a loyal supporter of Spoonful of Sugar Free!