Welcome to day twenty-three of the Sugar Free Challenge!
Sorry my posts haven’t been very special these past couple days. The wisdom teeth extraction is still lingering, and it has taken most of the energy out of me. So here is another….boring post.
Here is today’s sample menu:
Breakfast:Chocolate Mint Smoothie-pudding style.
Lunch: Lightly sauteed spinach, green peppers, black olives, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, onions, and black beans served on a grilled brown rice tortilla. Side of sliced cucumbers.
Snack: Chocolate Almond Cookie Dough Bites.
Dinner: Hobos. Take a piece of ground beef and roll into a patty. Top with peppers, potatoes, onions, and carrots and wrap in foil. Bake at 375* for one hour. Tastes fabulous drizzled with dijon mustard or Homemade BBQ Sauce. Vegan option: Two Cans and a Potato
Exercise Option: For those of you who chose to take part of the exercise challenge, your challenge today is to do 50 crunches, 10 squat jumps, 15 pushups, 20 1-legged calf raises (10 each leg).
Livin’ me up! Do you have anything interesting or exciting to share?
Remember that you can track what you eat on the printable Challenge Checklist.
Still truckin’ here too and loving it! I even passed up eating rainbow cupcakes that I made with girls I was babysitting. It seemed ‘weird’ not to be indulging and sneaking bites of frosting with the girls, but I definitely did not miss eating them (especially cupcakes out of a box!) I did have some greek yogurt with cocoa powder later for my own sweet treat 🙂
Wahoo! Great willpower, and I’m glad you didn’t feel like you needed to eat them. It’s more fun making them anyway (not eating them!).
Hope you have a great week!! 🙂
Just found your site. So excited that others are eating the same way we are! We have been eating sugar free for almost 1 year now and the results have been AMAZING for our family. It’s been fun experimenting with great recipes and helping others to have a healthier life by eating good food. I was such a sugar-holic – now that craving is curbed and I am the healthiest I’ve been in years. Look forward to your ideas and maybe sharing with each other’s readers. Always nice to hear a fresh voice.
Wow! I’m going to go ceck out your site now. Glad to hear this way of living has worked for your family, too. Thanks for the comment!
Hope you start feeling better alex! I’m sure you’re missing spending time in the kitchen and playing tennis quite a bit but those will be all the better once you get to return to them!
Ugh, yes! The closest I’ve gotten to “experimenting in the kitchen” is blending up my rice pudding the other day because I couldn’t chew on the raisins! And I haven’t worked out since last Tuesday! …oh well…nothing I can do about it….
mint smoothie!!!!!!!! LOVE THAT
I’ve never heard of hobos but I’m liking the idea because it seems so easy and pretty tasty! Thanks for sharing 🙂
glad to see that you are still truckin and slowly feeling better 😉
and not too much exciting going on here, doing the same old haha though each day is different with us.