First off, thanks so much for helping me help my friend find recipes for her new diet. She’s going to LOVE them!
Secondly, Look at these adorable little gifts I bought to give to Operation Christmas Child! My church gave away boxes to be filled with toys for little boys and girls around the world. In November, they will be collected, and a book about Jesus written in the child’s language will be put into the box and given to a child in need for Christmas. The vast majority of these children have NEVER received a gift, and maybe never will again! Its such a great organization. So, if you can, try to send a box to this organization.

- A fuzzy teddy bear (holding a card. I might even get a response! That is, assuming my child can read English…)
- Pencils and pencil sharpener
- 2 notepads
- Crayons
- Tootise Pops (Ok…they are not sugar free or healthy, but hey, its Christmas 😉 )
- Headbands with curly ribbons
- Purple, Sparkly comb
- Chapstick that tastes like bubblegum
- Silly Bandz (ok, I don’t know about you, but kids in my area are CRAZY about these little rubber bracelets!)
Yep Yep…
Ummmm…..Do you want to see my dinner last night? You do? Great!!!!

Ok. Dinner was a salmon patty (bought at costco) with grilled onions and steamed spinach. I grilled the onions and the salmon patty on a panini press! How ingenious is that? I guess they can do more than toast bread.
The salmon patty is super good. It’s called Trident Seafoods Wild Alaskan Salmon Burgers. If you ever see these at the store, buy them and serve it with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.
Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
Have you ever seen those things called Silly Bandz? Are kids in your area crazy about them? Because down here, kids everywhere have hundreds of them. They collect them, and wear hundreds at a time on one arm! Crazy.
I live in TN and the kids are CRAZY about them. They too wear them all the way up to their elbows. Not only do the young kids like them, but college kids as well. I guess I’m not in fashion because I don’t have any.
Oh I know! I guess I’m not “in-style” either because I don’t have any over-priced pieces of rubber.
I have never heard of Silly Bandz — I will google them and take a look.
Alex I wanted to tell you that I found that muffin recipe — it is wheat free, dairy free and chocolate free, but not sugar free. I kept reading “sugar free” as “soy free” and thought it would work. I feel terrible — but i do hope you have found some good recipes for your friend. I posted my muffin recipe anyway, but I’m not sure if you would be able to replace the brown sugar at all.
the little boy I give swim lessons too has those!!! he’s like look at my silly bandz!! i’m like okay! lol..i think a few of my friends have them
Silly Bandz are very popular in my area!! I may or may not currently have a few on my wrist 🙂 I think they are a fun conversation starter b/c you can just go up to someone and be like “what shape are your silly bandz?” haha
I’m not like obsessed with them though, I’ve just gotten them from other people. I don’t go out and buy them or anything.
OMG THAT IS ADORABLE!! youre amazing!!!!!!! <3
Guess what! You won my One Lucky Duck giveaway! congrats.
Check my blog for the details 🙂