Have a question for me?
I’m putting together an FAQ page, so please ask me whatever you want.
Simply leave your question in the comment section below, and I will try to answer it to the best of my ability for my new FAQ page. If you would rather ask me privately, send your question to spoonfulofsugarfree@gmail.com.
And don’t forget to sign up for the Sugar-Free Challenge!
Are we allowed to eat Fruits or no?? during the Challenge…….
Yes, you are allowed to eat fruit. Try not to overdo it, though (as in, don’t eat 15 bananas!). Other than that, I believe the naturally occurring sugars found in fruit are perfectly healthy in small amounts. Fruit contains plenty of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins to help your body. I will put this on the Challenge homepage as well.
In 2009, i was sugar free for 3 months. That time i had lot of energy and no stomach pain at all. I did not eat any kind of sugar at all. Whenever i really get cravings for sugar i eat 1pcs. of fruit that is all.
I did that for my son. My son go to the boot camp (He is a Marine now) i heard in the boot camp they do not give any sugar or anything. My so go to boot camp in October till January. Those 3 months i did not have any sugar not even in the holidays. That time i did it because thinking of my son all the time. I know i can do this time too. I just need to put my brain in to it..lol
Thanks for sharing your story, Suman! I’m sure you will have success again during the challenge. Thanks for signing up!
What sugars do you eat? Honey? Coconut Sugar? Why? How did you find out you were sugar intolerant?
is is hard eating out at restaurants? how do you do it?
haha tht picture is classic summer! i always get weird tan lines!
hmm.. when you were little did you have a hard time avoiding sugar?
I guess I would ask what symptoms you get from eating sugar and what made you finally make the switch! I would also ask how you got that amazing ‘golfers’ tan’ :).
how do you deal with negative comments about your diet? I’m assuming for the most part people are supportive but do you ever get weird looks or judgey comments when talking about how you eat?
How do you find out what dishes are “sugar free” when you’re eating out?
Hey! 🙂
Before I ask my question, I just want to say that you’ve really inspired me to try more sugar free things! Thank you so much for that!
My questions are: What do you want to be when you’re older? (As a job) And whats your biggest fear?
Oh, the tan-lines of tennis players:) I have mini contests with my friends to see whose is worse. I always win.
When did you start to realize that sugar was not good, that you could do without it ?
I’ll ask a few… feel free to answer whichever ones you want.
Do you know what you’d like to study when you go to college?
Do you ever eat sugar/dairy/gluten in small amounts occasionally?
Do you think you’ll continue this way of eating for… ever? lol
What are your thoughts on agave? I am allergic to can sugar and find that anything without cane sugar has agave instead and I’m suspicious that it is just as nasty to the body but have read conflicting conclusions.
What are your thoughts on stevia?
thanks again for the inspiration:)
Will college effect how you eat?