Great to hear about all of your in-a-rush breakfast recipes, but what about dinner?
My vote goes towards stir fries, like the one I had last night. My basic stir-fry recipe is as follows:
Your Basic Brown Rice Stir Fry
~Stir fries are easy, quick, healthy, filling, and tasty!
- Cooked Brown Rice
- Chopped Vegetables (any leftovers you have in the fridge will do. For this batch I used carrots, garlic, onion, bell pepper,
- Protein (tofu, beans, meat, eggs. For this batch I used scrambled eggs and toasted white beans)
- Oil to grease pan (I used sesame oil)
- Soy sauce (or any other oriental seasonings you may have)
- Optional: chopped peanuts or sesame to top
I didn’t provide measurements because that is the whole point of stir-fries! You can put whatever you want in them, and make it for however many people you want. It makes a simple dinner for one, and a filling, inexpensive dinner for 15! Simply grease a pan, mix ingredients, and stir until golden.
In other news, check out my tire:

Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
What are your favorite in-a-hurry dinner recipes?
And have you ever blown up a tire like mine? Or done any other crazy things to your vehicle? Give me your stories!
I had been planning a stir fry post as well because they are my favorite easiest dinner. I’m always just cooking for one, so it’s so easy and quick. I usually start with bacon, add mushrooms and onions and brussel sprouts, dijon mustard, then top it all with a fried egg, and sometimes a sweet potato on the side. That’s my standard go-to!
Your tire blew up! Scary! Glad you are OK.
Love the stir-fry…it’s funny, because my Dad’s “famous” stir fry is NOT this quick and easy, but that’s only because he’s my Dad…and everything is just a tad bit more complicated in the kitchen! 🙂
I love taking a bag of frozen veggies, cooking it up really quick, then throwing on store-bought tomato sauce (or plain tomato sauce that I jazz up quickly with seasoning). Combining that with some sort of protein and perhaps noodles…it’s kind of an “Italian stir-fry” of sorts.
Haha…yeah, I didn’t really notice it at first. I heard a clunk, clunk, clunk in my bag, and I saw a bit of smoke in my rearview mirror, and I was like “what is that clunking noise?” Finally, I figured out my tire completely blew up.
Who says a stir fry has to be Oriental? Italian stir fry sounds delicious!
P.S. Dad’s make everything more complicated 😛
Omg that is crazy about your tire!!! WOAH!
That stirfry sounds fabuloso!
Jeez, that’s crazy about your tire. Hopefully you weren’t hurt when it happened.
Fried rice is one of my favorite go-to quick dinners. I simply use leftover rice and whatever vegetables I can scrounge from my kitchen. I make a sauce out of mustard, ginger, garlic, soy sauce and sriracha sauce to use, and that is key to me for making a great fried rice.
Don’t worry, I was fine 😀 Nothing exciting happened…other than the blown up tire!
And I will have to try that stir-fry sauce! It sounds really good. Thanks for the recipe.
Stir frys are so good, so easy and quick and I can almost always put one together with whatever we have on hand. Yours looks great!
I’m so sorry about your tire! I’ve never done something like that — that sounds so scary!
Haha…not exactly scary, just incredibly weird. and expensive because it has to be replaced!
When I’m hungry and in a hurry, I just throw together 1 leafy green and two other vegetables with some protein and fats (oils, nuts, etc). Bam! Balanced meal. :p No tire blow ups- how scary!!
in a hurry meals usually involve eggs with veggies, or some kind of smoothie 🙂
My favorite “in a hurry” recipe is my staple smoothie 🙂 Spinach, protein, and a banana! No disappointment there
sorry about your tire!
My favorite in a hurry recipe -sauteed veggies or frozen veggies and I chuck in a can of beans or salmon/tuna.
You know what, I have been thinking about canned salmon/tuna lately, but I have never had it before. Do you buy a certain can that is less-polluted? I’d love to know the brand!
I always purchase John West. They have such a variety and they’re really nutritious! Not too high in sodium, fat, sat fat etc.
Oh my gosh! Look at that tyre.. I never knew they could look like that – looks like a wild animal has been at it.
I like your practical, delicious and healthy approach to stir-frying. Brown rice is almost a meal in itself – so hearty, textured and flavourful. Add in some sesame oil, veggies, ginger and tofu and there you have it: a gorgeous, satisfying meal!
I LOVE stir fry’s! I love using green peppers + onions!!
Hi Eva!
So glad you like my blog 😀 And YAY for cookies and stir-fries!
If you are interested in doing a guest post, please email me.
sorry don’t get you see sugar free yet you have soy sauce, which has about 3 different sugars, do you have a stir fry sauce that does not need soy?
Check out Bragg’s liquid aminos. It does not contain added sugar.