My Saturday is over. For now.
This is one amazing tree I was privileged to see over my extended weekend: the Banyan Tree located on Thomas Edison’s Fort Myers home.
Its roots shoot down from the tree, and it keeps growing and expanding.
He also grew vegetables in his garden.
Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
Do you grow a vegetable garden?
I would love to have one, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I have a couple of potted herbs and a Tangelo tree, though!
Stay tuned for a new pancake recipe tomorrow. Can you guess what flavor it is?
cheesymiteapples says
Herbs & Chillies in my garden 🙂
Val @ Baking the worries away says
I wanna say it looks like it could be pumpkin flavored but thats not generally a summer flavour, so umm I have no idea haha. Can’t wait to find though.
Kelly says
What a breathtaking tree. I completely agree that when we are in the presence of something so overwhelmingly beautiful, it is indeed a privilege. The baby eggplant is so cute and the chiles – wow, what a colour… My golden retriever puppy has done quite a number on my ‘former’ garden. I used to have kiwi vines growing this time of year (with gorgeous little kiwifruit by August), but she has managed to eat the entire plant…. I’m hoping that with a little time and training, nature will once again take root. Thanks Alex.
Lauren @ WWoB says
I do grow a veggie garden! Its starting to produce veggies and strawberries and it is so exciting! Do ittt.
theflourishingfoodie says
That tree is so cool. We have an herb garden and a litle garden with lettuce and tomatoes. I would love to grow a lot more stuff.
As far as pancake flavors….pumpkin? Orange coconut?
Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit says
I would LOVE to have a veggie garden. Because I have a “history” of saying I will take care of something and then never having the time to actual care for it, my bf made a deal with me. If I can take care of the flower garden I’ve planted in the front, I can have a veggie garden next year. I think it’s a FAIR deal.
spoonfulofsugarfree says
Ha! I’m the same way! Good luck on your flower garden…..and hopefully veggie garden next year!!!
Katie @KatieDid says
I’ve killed a tomato plant once, and that pretty much covers it. I’ve never had the space or yard for it but hopefully one day I will start one and eat tons of veggies from my own backyard.
Jess says
HOORAY for a new pancake recipe 😀
Anita says
pumpkin? carrott? please, I can’t take the suspense !
Ellie@fitforthesoul says
Oh my~that tree looks so amazing and unique! I want to just climb it 😀 Hmmm is it a pumpkin recipe?!!