High Protein Cookie Sandwiches are delectable, but who can resist an ice cream sandwich? Especially in the hot, summer weather when the ice cream truck comes rollin’ around. Instead of buying those sugar-loaded, artificially-flavored, hydrogenated oil-filled, processed sandwiches, make your own High-Protein, Sugar-Free sandwich!

First take two High Protein Cookies.
Make some Magic Banana Ice Cream.
And Sandwich them together! Wrap them in Plastic wrap and store in the freezer for later.
Take a BIG bite and enjoy.
Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
Did you have ice cream trucks drive around in your area?
When I was growing up, they were illegal in my area. I hear the ice cream drive around every afternoon where I live now, though!
Your “ice cream sandwiches” look yummy! I think I might even try to make them! Yes, I am old enough to remember hearing the ice cream truck in our neighborhood — only we called the truck driver “the good humor man” back then! I can also remember ICE being delivered to our house once a week to go in the ICE BOX; and fresh milk, in a glass jug, being delivered weekly to our front door! Those were the days! (And yes, I’m very old!)
There are no ice cream trucks…but I get to stare at the ice cream freezer at work every day and it has been VERY hard not to buy all of the weird flavors we stock…
Ice cream is my weakness.
illegal?! that’s so sad haha! Love my childhood memories of chasing down the ice cream man on a hot summer afternoon with my brothers. And he still drives around where I live now and it brings back fond memories. But he’s called the ding-a-ling man up here which is kind of strange to me!
Ice cream trucks are ALWAYS driving around! But they mainly have popsicles and weird stuff….not any good REAL icecream! Those sandwiches look AMAZING!
An ice cream truck came down my street once several years ago and literally everyone went crazy and was so excited, I can’t believe they never came back. It was really fun though.
No ice cream trucks on my neighborhood!! I know..how depressing 🙁
prohibiting ice cream trucks is so wrong! i used to SPRINT to the truck to get the orange creamsicles. i once even locked myself out of the house!
now i chop up oranges & add them to plain greek yogurt w/ vanilla extract & it tastes almost the same! 🙂
Haha….you are too funny 😛 I think the reason they made it illegal was because a little kid was running after the truck, and he got hit by a car 🙁
well that is the saddest thing i’ve heard today!
Oh I know! I’m sorry!
I love this!! 😀 You are SO creative! I love that about you!! 😀
I have so many ice cream trucks it’s like a musical symphony outside my window…it’s kinda ridic how many there are!
Your cookies look dynamite! 🙂