Welcome to day eight of the Sugar Free Challenge! There are only two days left for the challenge-can you believe it? It has gone by so fast! Today is another special day because it is my Dad’s birthday!

Here is today’s sample menu:
Breakfast: Oatmeal topped with sliced banana, a dollop of Peanut Butter Cream Frosting, and Unsweetened Chocolate Shavings.
Lunch: Baked Sweet Potato with almond butter and cinnamon.

Snack: 2-Ingredient Macaroons.
Dinner: A BIG salad with spinach, bell pepper, onion, quinoa, strawberries, chicken, olives, and artichoke hearts. Drizzled with Dijon dressing and balsamic vinegar.
Dessert: High Protein Cookie Dough.
Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
When’s the last time you had dessert for breakfast?
Ummm…Just had some today!
I had dessert for breakfast yesterday! I made oatmeal – oats cooked in coconut water (because it was after a run), wheat germ, wheat bran, chia seeds, peanut butter – and the dessert part… caramelized banana! I sliced a ripe banana into a nonstick pan and let it brown slightly, flipped and repeated (got this idea from Chocolate-Covered Katie). Mixed that into my oatmeal with some soy milk and it was definitely like eating candy! I took it easy the rest of the day on fruit since I indulged in the morning. 🙂
It’s my Dad’s birthday today too!!
I feel that I have dessert for breakfast EVERY day. Today I had a classic 5 minute apple quinoa flake bake. Those things will never, ever get old. And… I started playing around with a tropical one, like you suggested ages ago!
Oh my gosh!!! Happy Birthday to your dada!!!
And yes, I feel like I have dessert for breakfast all the time, too!
hmmm… i don’t really do dessert for breakfast … but i guess my protein smoothies do taste like ice cream!
i do breakfast for dessert – oats & fruit as bed time snack! 🙂
happy b-day to your dad!
I was going to comment today anyways about my breakfast, and it happens to answer your question also! I threw in a slice of the SF chocolate cake with PB, banana, strawberries, and milk into a smoothie for breakfast and it was AMAZING! You must try it 🙂
YUM!!! What kind of sf chocolate cake did you use? Sounds amazing 😛
the recipe you posted the other day! I finished off the whole pan in 2 days haha, and the last slice I threw into the blender.
Oh my gosh! So glad you liked it 😀 And I bet it tasted wonderful in a chocolate cake milkshake!!! OoooO! I like that Idea!
Yummy, I love the dessert-esque oats! I barely have dessert, uness you count a teaspoon of PB or AB with an apple dessert! 🙂 I seriously need ot make that cake, though, looks amazing!
The way I make my oats makes me feel like I’m having desert for breakfast every day! I use Katie’s Voluminous oats trick and my favorite combo right now is coconut butter white chocolate wonderful PB from PB&Co with some shredded coconut! yumm 🙂
Wow your food looks so delicious! I’ve just been checking out your blog for the past little while and am getting some great ideas! I like this sugar-free challege thing! I think I almost do that a lot of days anyways but it would be cool to actually make a point to do it for a set period of time. So glad I found your blog
Answer: not in foreverrrr!! that needs to be changed. asap. 😀
Happy Birthday to your dad!!
I had something very similar to your breakfast for supper last night and it was delish!! Also I will defs be trying that dip soon!