Yesterday (May Day!) Was my sweet doggy’s 10th birthday 🙂 What a big day! Therefore, I made him a cake out of his favorite ingredients: apples and peanut butter.
Hold on Alex, I thought peanut butter was your favorite food.
You’re right. It is. He’s a smart dog.

~This cake is made especially for your special pup. However, I must say it tastes pretty darn good for humans, too.
- 1 apple
- 4 Tablespoons peanut butter
- 1/4 cup brown rice flour (or flour of choice. I chose brown rice because there is brown rice in his dog food)
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 cup water
- Preheat oven to 375*.
- Shred the apples into tiny pieces and mix with peanut butter, flour, and baking powder. Then add water and mix.
- Pour batter into a lightly greased mini-loaf pan or muffin tins. Feel free to use whatever shape you want. Bake for 20 minutes or until knife comes out clean.
- I decorated the cake with an extra apple slice (dipped in lemon juice to prevent discoloring) cut into the shape of a bone. Then I wrote his name in more peanut butter!

Thought-provoking, mind-prodding question of the day:
Do you have pets? If so, do you feed them “human food?”
I don’t feed Pudder human food that often, but I will give him my apple core when I am done eating my apple. He loves it. I will also fill is bone with peanut butter occasionally. He is an apple-loving, peanut butter-snarfing dog!
*****Â I am going to be out of town next week, so would any of you be interested in doing a guest post? Blogger or not, I would love to get some fresh articles on my blog while I am gone!
awww I’ve always wanted a dog like Pudder!! He’s soooo adorable and beautiful. Cute pics btw 🙂
Thanks, Ellie! He is the best dog in the world. So calm and so affectionate. 🙂
Lucky Little Boy
Happy Birthday to you !!!
AWWWWW!!!! I would totally make this if I had a dog!! 🙂 You are so sweet! Happy Birthday Pudder! 🙂
What a cute dog!! He looks so happy in his birthday hat! =) I used to have a yellow lab named Princess–she made it all the way to 14 years old before we had to say goodbye. And she definitely begged for human food–she knew she was cute. But I did my best to only treat her once in a while.
Lucky Doggie. And lucky you.
Awww tell him I say happy birthday 🙂 <3 This is all too cute!!!
Happy Birthday to Pudder!! Love the super adorable doggy cake. When my dog was alive we should buy a Publix cake and all eat it 😀
Would not should lol 🙂
You are so sweet to make that for you pupster!
My dog loves peanut butter and apples too! I love giving him spoonfuls of Pb and watching him try to eat for a long time 😉
I give mine my apple cores too!
I always feed my dog my “failed attempt recipes” he loves them.
Happy Birthday to Pudder!! love the cake!
he looks SO happy:)
please stop by and say hi
Aww, Pudder is so stinking adorable!! My dog loves apples and peanut butter, too!
AWWW that is TOO cute! you are such a great sister to your pup!
Nice post….but we’re missing more of your real ‘recipes’. We love your muffins, and desserts and main courses too. How about more of those…sugar free and gluten free of course! You’re so ingenious at stuff like that.
How cute! I always make my puppies birthday cakes too! yours looks delicious!
Wow. I thought my crazy dog Zelda was the only pup with apple core obsession. [It is so bad that I cannot even have an apple in my hand without her standing/sitting and waiting in anticipation for me to finish.] Carrots are also a huge hit with the pups in my life.
Dogs apparently take after their owners eating habits? 🙂
I guess they do! Except my dog won’t spinach. I like spinach, and he just sniffs it and goes away….
Adorable old guy! *hugs to him* Yes we feed our dog ( “human food” but only real stuff – just stumps of broccoli, the ends off carrots and other veggies bits and bobs.
Completely agree with Sarah about dogs taking their owners’ eating habits – our pup loves veg and has only ever stolen vegetables off the worktop, never meat/cheese or sweets!
Our puppies LOVE human food… and they love that I have a blog now. When I mess up on recipes (I do this A LOT) they get the mess ups. No complaints from them! I once sat on the floor for 30min with our German Sheppard feeding her leftover almond/cashew butter that had too much salt in it. She got to the point where her mouth started sticking together… aww it was the cutest thing!
Ohmygosh that is too funny! My dog would LOVE you to feed him some leftover almond/cashew butter 😉
I know you meant well, but too much salt???
Also… veggies
such as RAW broccoli and cauliflower are not easily digested for dogs. Can cause serious stomach issues for those of you unaware.
I celebrate my dogs birthdays with cake, presents and
they also wear the hat! 🙂 They don’t know their dogs…super spoiled!
Articles are cute and some even made me teary eyed.
Treat your pets well. Nothing or no one else will ever be as devoted to you.
Aww Happy Birthday to your pup! I celebrate my doggies b-day too! The only human food I feed Ella are veggies and fruit…here favorites are apples and carrots! She will literally come running from any where in the house if she here’s me cutting up a carrot! I must say that cake sounds pretty darn good….I might have to make it for me and her to split lol!
Pudder is so cute! Happy Belated Birthday to him! 🙂
Happy Belated Birthday Pudder. I’d totally fight him for his cake. 🙂
I love this!! And what a cute name – Pudder. How adorable!! I have always given my dogs human food, but just healthy stuff – apples, carrots, peanut butter – as treats, mostly. I also add things like pumpkin and green beans to their regular doggy food. My black lab loves green beans – scarfs them down. The other (and the one who needs to lose a few pounds) will seriously eat every single morsel of dog food and leave every single green bean. It’s a talent – he just won’t eat them! 🙂
Aww, your pup is adorable! I love that you made him a special treat for his b day! How cute!
My cat Tiger gets to lick the occasional empty yogurt container after I’m finished and surprises me all the time when I accidentally drop stuff on the floor…coconut butter? For real?
I don’t know if Pudder would touch coconut butter! He is actually a very picky eater. Some foods (and even dog treats?!) he’ll just turn his nose up to!
My dog loves apples & peanut butter so I knew I had to try this recipe for him .. and he LOVES it! Thank you from me & Dante (the doggie :O)
Aww! I used to have a neighbor dog named Dante-such a cute name D
This dog is sooo cute! And I am so making this for my dogs on their next birthdays! I have 3 precious doggies…Lexie, a German shephard. She’ll be 5 in July. Mercy, a chow chow/golden lab. She’ll be 5 in January. And my little 7 month old Jack Russel, Georgia, who will be 1 in November! I love them all so much! I am definately a dog person. 🙂
Thanks, Sarah! I love him so much 😀
And I hope your doggies like the cake as much as mine did!
I wonder if this is suitable for a diabetic dog??
Leigh Ann,
I’m not really familiar with the requirements for a diabetic dog, so I am not sure! it isn’t very high in sugar, though. The only sugar comes from the apple. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.
Thanks for the reply Alex! I think it will be safe. They are allowed vegetables and peanut butter as long as its sugar free. Since I adopted her I have noticed there is sugar in dog bones an jerky so I am having to even read her labels to be sure she is safe.
Leigh Ann,
I hope she enjoys it! Good luck to you and your dog 😀
I just found your recipe through Pinterest and I can’t wait to make it for my pup.
I just wanted to comment… I read that you feed your pup your apple core… Just make sure there are no seeds in it as they are toxic to dogs. Just wanted to let you know.
Hope you have a great day!
I just found out never to give the apple core to a dog the seeds are poisonous. The apple is a good food for dogs but not the apple seeds. Just wanted to let you know
Thanks, Nadia!
It’s my dogs b-day too!!
You probably know this already but on the off-chance that maybe you don’t, just wanted to bring to your attention and to the good folks who follow your blog that apple seeds are quite poisonous for dogs. So please make sure they’re removed before giving them your apple cores.
Thank you.
Apple seeds in cores can be poisonous in large quantities. Apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide, low enough to not cause too much harm, but in large quantities can be very dangerous. Many natural substances can be very toxic and poisonous. Always research what you are eating and feeding your animals. Some foods are very good for humans but can kill a dog or cat.